
Working Papers

Randomization Inference: Theory and Applications
(with Joseph P. Romano and Azeem M. Shaikh)
Last updated: June, 2024
[ Abstract | arXiv ]

Uniform Inference for Subsampled Moment Regression
(with Vasilis Syrgkanis)
Last updated: May, 2024
[ Abstract | arXiv ]

Medical Research as a Productivity Indicator
(with Maya M. Durvasula and Sabri Eyuboglu)
Last updated: May, 2024
[ Abstract | arXiv | Data ]

Reproducible Aggregation of Sample-Split Statistics
(with Joseph P. Romano)
Revise and Resubmit, American Economic Review
Last updated: November, 2023
[ Abstract | arXiv ]

Journal Articles

Semiparametric Estimation of Long-Term Treatment Effects
(with Jiafeng Chen)
Journal of Econometrics. 237 (2). December 2023.
[ Abstract | arXiv | Software ]

Confidence Intervals for Seroprevalence
(with Thomas J. DiCiccio, Joseph P. Romano, and Azeem M. Shaikh)
Statistical Science. 37 (3). August 2022.
[ Abstract | arXiv ]

Uncertainty in the Hot Hand Fallacy: Detecting Streaky Alternatives to Random Bernoulli Sequences
(with Joseph P. Romano)
The Review of Economic Studies. Featured Article. 89 (2). March 2022.
[ Abstract | arXiv | Online Appendix ]